Doula Support

Did You Know?

If you have continuous labour support, you and your baby are more likely to have better outcomes.


increase in the likelihood of spontaneous vaginal birth


decrease in the use of syntocinon/induction


decrease in the risk of cesarean


decrease in the use of medicinal pain relief


decrease in the risk of newborn admission to NICU


decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with your birth experience

What is a doula & how can
they support me?

A doula is a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to individuals and families from pregnancy, birth to postpartum.

Doulas are certified by renowned institutions with knowledge and skills to help families have a positive and empowered birthing experience.

How doulas provide support during labor:

Reference: Amy Gilliland, PhD, BDT(DONA), Evidence-Based Birth

  • Physical support helps the birthing person maintain a sense of control, comfort, and confidence.

  • Emotional support helps the birthing person feel cared for and feel a sense of pride and empowerment after birth.

  • Informational support helps keep the birthing person and their partner informed about what’s going on with the course of labour.

  • Advocacy is defined as supporting the birthing person in their right to make decisions about their own body and baby.

YOU matter.

Your voice matters in your birth journey, and we are here to support and deepen that journey alongside you. With a doula by your side, you will be guided to learn:

  • The key to putting your informed decisions into action. Learn how to express your needs and preferences with your healthcare providers.

  • The only childbirth class in Singapore that uses birth art to explore underlying emotions, fears, and desires that may influence your birth decisions.

  • Understanding labour pains, learn to build a coping mindset with proven techniques to deal with different intensities of labour.

Meet Kin, your birth guide.

In 2018, I remembered looking at the pregnancy-test kit and went, “oh my, I AM PREGNANT.” My partner and I were filled with euphoria, joy and excitement.

I started researching more about childbirth, hospitals, which obgyn to choose, how to give birth naturally, and whether childbirth is painful – the list goes on.

Being the first among my friends to embark on the journey of pregnancy, blessed I am, but it also meant I had no one to lean on. Back then, social media hadn't yet taken center stage, and most influencers haven’t broadcasted their #birthstory yet.

If you're reading this and you're pregnant, I want to let you know that you're not alone, and I understand how you feel. I left my corporate job to become a birthworker and build Kindle Community so I could provide the support I wished I had during my own pregnancy.

If you're feeling lost, anxious, and nervous, let me be your guide on this journey.

It is not an “ang-moh” thing if you:

  • want to learn more about birth

  • want to learn about a woman’s physiology

  • want to know how to have a “natural” birth

  • want to “avoid” taking an epidural

  • want to know what are your options

  • want to feel respected and heard in your journey

  • want to do things differently from what you “know”

  • want to take charge of your body, birth and baby

Book your free 20-minute discovery call today.

During the discovery call, we'll get to know each other better and discuss your needs and concerns. We'll also talk about how my services can help you achieve those goals. You'll have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about my approach and process. I want to ensure that we are the right fit for you and your family, and that I can provide the best possible support. By the end of the call, you should have a better idea of what Kindle Birthing can offer and you would like to have us on your journey.

You can have an empowering birth, too.

Book A Discovery Call with Kin via the Whatsapp toggle on the bottom right of our pages.